Photos from June 2015 and earlier

aDOORable Babies contest

aDOORable baby

Book Sale

Candidates Night March 2015

Candidates Night March 2015

Candidates Night March 2015

Meet the Candidates

Starved Rock Info Session, DAVID ZALAZNIK/JOURNAL STAR David Simek, of Morton Grove, ascends the frozen waterfall in Wildcat Canyon at Starved Rock State Park. Another climber at right stands at the bottom holding the safety line.

2014 Giving Tree photo courtesy of the NewsTribune

2014 Giving Tree

2014 Tree

2014 Is that the Grinch?

We got up close and personal with live bats in the Incredible Bats program!

Bats program

Richard Vollmer, Board Present, presents dedication plaque for the Albert Moyle and Evelyn Moyle Local History Resource Center to Evelyn Moyle



Small Meeting Area

Stacks of books

Dedication of the Albert Moyle and Evelyn Moyle Local History Resource Center: